Vote for John Marcotte endorsement

This is my endorsement of John Marcotte for President of the APWU. The need for change is now. The time for change is now.  I also am a member of the APWU Fighting 4U Team.  A number of us chose not to run on the incumbents’ ticket.  Those of us who made this decision chose to put John at the top of our ticket.  That decision was made by serious officers who have a combined legacy of leadership at the national level. Your vote is your voice. Let your voice be heard. Vote for John Marcotte and the Fighting 4U Team.  Make a change!  Make a difference!

– Lynn Pallas-Barber Assistant Clerk Craft Director

First Name: Lynn
Last Name: Pallas-Barber
Union/Local: 498-499 Alea Local
Office held if any: Asst. Clerk Craft Director

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