USPS: Fast lane – USPS uses Agile to speed up technology development

The Postal Service has joined a growing number of government agencies and private organizations that use Agile, a collaborative process that allows projects to roll out faster and with fewer glitches.

Through Agile, organizations develop, test and assess technology projects in increments, then implement the projects for short durations before full deployment.

“Agile allows greater collaboration between software developers, business partners and cross-functional teams to ensure faster and higher quality solutions,” said Information Technology VP John Edgar.

agile_developmentThe Postal Service recently hosted an Agile conference at headquarters, where CIO Jim Cochrane described Agile as the “Lean Six Sigma of solutions development.” Just as Lean Six Sigma streamlines business processes, Agile streamlines execution and delivery of technology programs, Cochrane said.

The Agile process greatly improves IT’s ability to be a reliable delivery partner, deliver a better quality product, and improve customer satisfaction, Cochrane said.

Related: USPS goes all-in on agile development
By Frank Konkel
Jun 13, 2013

via USPS News Link Story – Fast lane.


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