USPS: Ethics guidelines have been updated for outside employment

November 17, 2023 A federal ethics document for USPS employees was revised recently for the first time since its introduction in 1995. The revisions took effect Sept. 7. Many guidelines in the Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the United States Postal Service address outside employment and business activities. Some rules have been eased. Employees…

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Hatch Act refresher: Here are do’s, don’ts for postal employees

September 25, 2023 With election season around the corner, USPS is reminding employees of the do’s, don’ts and not-while-in-uniform rules of the Hatch Act, which limits political activity among the federal workforce. Postal Service employees may engage in the following activities while off duty, not in uniform, not in a Postal Service vehicle, and not…

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USPS: Do your part to protect the sanctity of the mail

August 16, 2023 To help mark USPS Ethics Awareness Week, the Postal Service is reminding employees about the sanctity of the U.S. Mail. Employees routinely deliver medications, election ballots, utility bill payments, holiday gifts and other important items. Every U.S. household depends on the Postal Service, which is consistently ranked in public polls as the…

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USPS Ethics Awareness Week is Aug. 14-18

August 11, 2023 USPS Ethics Awareness Week, an annual effort to educate employees about the importance of conducting themselves with integrity, is Aug. 14-18 this year. In polls, the Postal Service is regularly voted the nation’s most trusted government agency. Honoring the public’s trust isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s also good for…

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USPS offers Hatch Act training reminder to nonbargaining employees

August 3, 2023 Postal Service nonbargaining employees are required to complete training on political activity and the Hatch Act by Sept. 30. The Hatch Act law prohibits federal workers — including Postal Service employees — from engaging in political activity while on duty, while wearing a uniform, while on federal property or while inside a…

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Some USPS info may be withheld from FOIA requests

July 26, 2023 The Postal Service is reminding employees that the organization is a unique hybrid: part government agency, part commercial enterprise. Because of this, some requests for information are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, which gives the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. Commercial…

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USPS: Sales, ads on postal property restricted

July 10, 2023 The Postal Service is reminding employees to be conscious of sales and advertising activities conducted on postal property. Federal regulations prohibit commercial sales and advertising on postal property without a valid contract with USPS. Employees who are on duty, in uniform or on postal property also may not engage in any type…

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USPS: Ethics rules apply to outside employment with contract route contractors

June 26, 2023 The Postal Service wants employees to know that there are ethics rules to consider before accepting work with highway contract route or contract delivery service contractors. A highway contract route, or HCR, is a mail transportation contract. A contract delivery service, or CDS, is a mail delivery service. USPS employees may not…

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