Postal Regulatory Commission Continues to Probe DFA

June 17, 2024 Washington, DC – Today, the Postal Regulatory Commission requested information about continued large-scale network changes by the Postal Service despite its announced “pause” in implementing parts of the Delivering for America (DFA) plan. In addition, the Commission asked the Postal Service about the scope and nature of the pilot test described by the Postal Service regarding…

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USPS OIG Report: Impacts Associated with Local Transportation Optimization in Richmond, VA

Background The Postal Service deployed a major change to operations within the Richmond, VA, area on October 28, 2023, when it implemented its Local Transportation Optimization initiative. The initiative is designed to reduce the overall number of transportation trips to and from select Post Offices and increase the amount of mail transported on each trip….

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PRC Issues Report Evaluating USPS Service Levels and Rates

March 29, 2024 Washington, DC –Late in the afternoon yesterday, the Postal Regulatory Commission issued its FY 2023 Annual Compliance Determination (ACD) assessing the Postal Service’s compliance with regulations regarding rates and service performance. Each year the Commission must issue its ACD 90 days after the filing of the Postal Service’s Annual Compliance Report (ACR) (39 U.S.C. Section 3653)….

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Postal Bulletin: USPS Ready to Deliver for America During the Holidays

The United States Postal Service (USPS) and its dedicated employees across the nation are ready to deliver another successful holiday season of outstanding service. “Our 2022 peak season was a tremendous success,” said Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. “We are ready to deliver for the holidays in a superior and routine manner. We have been planning…

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Postal Service Begins FY24 First Quarter with Consistent Delivery Performance

October 13, 2023 WASHINGTON, DC — The United States Postal Service reported new delivery performance metrics for the first week of the first quarter for fiscal year 2024. The average time for the Postal Service to deliver a mailpiece or package across the nation was 2.5 days. FY24 first quarter service performance scores covering Sept….

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USPS OIG Report: Single Induction Package Sorter (SIPS) Machine Deployment and Performance

Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Postal Service had workforce shortages while package volumes were surging, causing service performance for packages to suffer. In response to this critical situation, and to achieve its goal of expanding its share of the package delivery market, the Postal Service purchased and deployed new package sorting machines, including the…

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USPS OIG Report: Service Performance During the Fiscal Year 2023 Peak Mailing Season

Background Each year, the U.S. Postal Service network stresses to accommodate the peak mailing season — Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. Increased mail volume and operational changes during peak season significantly challenge the Postal Service’s processing and distribution network. In preparation for the fiscal year (FY) 2023 peak mailing season, Postal Service management executed a…

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U.S. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI): Statement on New Postal Service Performance Website

May 19, 2023 DETROIT, MI – U.S. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI), Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released the following statement after the United States Postal Service launched a new website for the public that shows mail delivery performance in every community across the nation. The performance dashboard website was required by…

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