USPS: Here’s how to avoid falling for vishing scams

June 12, 2024 The Postal Inspection Service is warning USPS employees and the public of a new identity fraud scheme called vishing — short for voice phishing — where scammers try to hook you as soon as you answer the phone. The scammers will call from a number that may look familiar or even appear…

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USPS: Podcast shines a spotlight on Inspection Service

March 25, 2024 Carroll Harris, inspector in charge of the Postal Inspection Service’s Los Angeles Division, recently appeared on “The Protectors” podcast. He discussed the agency’s efforts to protect consumers from fraud, with a particular focus on military veterans. “The Protectors” is produced by the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI). The episode featuring…

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USPS: Initiative safeguards veterans from fraud

The Postal Inspection Service is marking Military Appreciation Month in May by promoting Operation Protect Veterans, a joint campaign with the AARP Fraud Watch Network aimed at stopping scams against current and former service members. The coronavirus pandemic has ushered in swindles involving stimulus checks, unemployment insurance, fake COVID-19 cures and more. These scams are…

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USPS: Beware of unofficial insurance solicitations

The Postal Service wants employees to use caution when reviewing promotions for Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) alternatives. USPS employees recently began receiving emails from Premier Protection Insurance that offer several alternative FEGLI plans. The plans aren’t associated with the Postal Service and aren’t supported by the Office of Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance,…

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USPIS: Coronavirus Related Scams

Scammers seek not only to make profit through exploiting public health issues, but through spreading misinformation and creating confusion. The Inspection Service wants you to remain vigilant and equipped with knowledge and good practices to protect yourself and your family from emerging and constantly evolving scams and fraud. Justice begins with you. Be sure to…

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USPS: Watch out for coronavirus scams

If you’re a Postal Service employee, watch out for scams that attempt to use the coronavirus pandemic to con you into revealing personal information. Emergency situations are prime opportunities for criminals to take advantage of unsuspecting consumers. Scammers are creating websites devoted to the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. These…

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Postal Bulletin highlights National Consumer Protection Week – March 1-7

Do You Really Know Who Is Calling? Beware of Imposters National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) runs from March 1–7, 2020. This year, the focus is on imposter scammers who impersonate the Postal Service™, the Social Security Administration, and the Internal Revenue Service. In 2019, imposter scams were the number one fraud reported to the Federal…

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U.S. Postal Inspection Service: Testimony to U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging (video)

U. S. Postal Inspection Service – Published on Jul 18, 2019 Criminal Investigation Group Inspector in Charge Delany De Leon-Colon testified on 7/17/19 before the Senate Special Committee on Aging on our efforts to combat scams.  

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