USPS: National Dog Bite Awareness Campaign

May 2, 2024 The Postal Service has announced plans for this year’s National Dog Bite Awareness Campaign. The annual effort, which aims to bring attention to one of the most common safety issues facing mail carriers, will kick off Thursday, May 30, with a news conference in the Philadelphia area. The campaign itself will begin…

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USPS: Video promotes Dog Bite Awareness Week

  The Postal Service is promoting its National Dog Bite Awareness Week with an animated video that includes safety tips for canine owners. More than 5,800 dog bite incidents occurred last year, often when unrestrained dogs viewed letter carriers delivering mail as a threat. These incidents are preventable when dog owners are vigilant and leash…

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Postal Bulletin highlights National Dog Bite Awareness Week, June 14–20, 2020

Sponsored by the United States Postal Service®, National Dog Bite Awareness Week is a public service campaign that offers safety tips and emphasizes the need for increased owner responsibility in the prevention of dog attacks. From nips and bites to vicious attacks, aggressive dog behavior poses a serious threat to our employees. To emphasize the…

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Postal Bulletin highlights National Dog Bite Prevention Week

National Dog Bite Prevention Week, April 14–20, 2019 Sponsored by the United States Postal Service®, National Dog Bite Prevention Week* is a public service campaign that offers safety tips and emphasizes the need for increased owner responsibility in the prevention of dog attacks. From nips and bites to vicious attacks, aggressive dog behavior poses a…

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Dog Bites Mail Carrier and Supervisor is Removed

A Postal Service Customer Services Manager in Chicago, removed for various lapses in supervisory responsibilities, has lost her court appeal. (Montgomery v. United States Postal Service (CAFC No. 2014-3049 (nonprecedential), 6/12/14)) According to facts as reported by the court’s opinion, Ms. Montgomery’s removal cited several problems. The agency cited several instances of failing to perform…

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