Postal Bulletin spotlights the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program

June 13, 2024 Postal Bulletin’s latest edition, published June 13, takes a look at the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. Updates to the organization’s policies, procedures and forms are also included. Employees can go to to read and download the latest Postal Bulletin, along with…

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NALC honored heroic postal employees at its annual awards ceremony

March 28, 2024 A Postal Service employee who saved a customer being attacked by a dog received the top hero of the year award from the National Association of Letter Carriers this week. Philip Moon, an Amarillo, TX, letter carrier, was in his delivery vehicle last fall when he saw the woman being attacked. He…

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Postal Bulletin highlights PMG Heroes’ Program

In a moment of crisis, a Postal Service™ customer in Miami turned to a trusted figure for help: Letter Carrier Donna Bratton. Bratton was delivering mail at the customer’s apartment complex when the woman ran up to her, holding an infant. “My baby can’t breathe!” the customer exclaimed. While 911 was called, Bratton performed CPR…

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Hypocrisy From USPS HQ

During interest arbitration hearings the USPS sent a Union busting law firm in to denigrate Postal Employees and diminish our abilities and dedication. It was appalling to be compared to low wage uneducated workers as if we do not bring any special talents to the workplace. Now fast forward a few months and the PMG…

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USPS: Employees stay upbeat in face of pandemic

As the nation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic evolves — disrupting daily life from coast to coast — Postal Service employees are continuing to proudly serve their communities, reinforcing the fact that USPS is part of America’s critical infrastructure. “People are depending on us,” said Joseph Kittles, a mail handler at the Northern Virginia Processing…

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Suspicious packages arrest: PMG praises employees, law enforcement

Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan is praising USPS and Postal Inspection Service employees and calling for continued vigilance following the Oct. 26 arrest of a suspect in connection with the suspicious packages sent to high-profile figures this week. Brennan issued the following statement: Over the past week, the men and women of the U.S. Postal…

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USPS responds to California wildfires

The Postal Service is continuing to move the mail in Northern California, where wildfires have claimed more than 20 lives and damaged approximately 2,000 homes and businesses. No USPS facilities have been damaged, although service at 15 Post Offices has been affected due to road closures and power outages. Some offices have suspended retail operations,…

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Latest issue of Postal Bulletin features heroic employees

The Postmaster General Heroes’ Program is showcased in the latest edition of Postal Bulletin. The cover story highlights Los Angeles Customer Services Manager Thelma Johnson, who came to the aid of a 92-year-old woman who fell and suffered a serious head wound this year. Johnson and Aasha Jones, her supervisor, took the customer to the…

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