Hatch Act refresher: Here are do’s, don’ts for postal employees

September 25, 2023 With election season around the corner, USPS is reminding employees of the do’s, don’ts and not-while-in-uniform rules of the Hatch Act, which limits political activity among the federal workforce. Postal Service employees may engage in the following activities while off duty, not in uniform, not in a Postal Service vehicle, and not…

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USPS offers Hatch Act training reminder to nonbargaining employees

August 3, 2023 Postal Service nonbargaining employees are required to complete training on political activity and the Hatch Act by Sept. 30. The Hatch Act law prohibits federal workers — including Postal Service employees — from engaging in political activity while on duty, while wearing a uniform, while on federal property or while inside a…

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USPS: Hatch Act allowances – Certain political activity is OK

May 15, 2023 The Postal Service is reminding employees that they can participate in politics — but only while they are off duty and not wearing a uniform. The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from engaging in partisan political activity while on duty, while wearing a federal uniform or identification badge, while on federal property…

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USPS: Hatch Act bans endorsements

October 28, 2022 Like it does every election season, the Postal Service is reminding employees about the Hatch Act’s rules on misusing their government positions. The Hatch Act is a law that prohibits postal and other federal employees from engaging in partisan political activity while on duty, while wearing a uniform, while on federal property,…

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USPS: Hatch Act allows postal employees to engage in some political activities

September 16, 2022 The Postal Service is offering employees another reminder about the rules for participating in political activities under the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act is a law that prohibits federal employees from engaging in certain political activity while on duty, while wearing a federal uniform or identification badge, while on federal property or…

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USPS: Hatch Act Rules – Federal law applies to social media

April 18, 2022 The Postal Service is reminding employees that they are required to abide by the Hatch Act, including the guidelines for using social media. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Here’s a quick recap of the law: • The Hatch Act exists to keep politics out of federal workplaces. The law, passed in 1939, limits certain political activities of…

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NPMHU: USPS Challenge to National Arbitration Decision on Hatch Act and LWOP is Dismissed

April 26, 2021 Back in August 2018, we circulated a copy of the National Arbitration Award issued by Arbitrator Stephen Goldberg on August 6, 2018 in a case concerning the use of Union LWOP for political activities under the National Agreement. The matter was heard in June 2018, briefed in July 2018, and decided in…

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