‘Worst to First’: How the USPS Cleaned Up Employee Discrimination Complaints

By Frank Konkel – March 7, 2017 The 1980s and 1990s were a tough time for the U.S. Postal Service. A series of workplace-related homicides involving postal workers embroiled the largest civilian agency in federal government and its more than 600,000 employees, sinking morale and even coining the slang expression “going postal” to describe someone…

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Edmond post office massacre was 30 years ago

By Diana Baldwin – August 13, 2016 EDMOND — Survivors of the Edmond Post Office massacre and their friends are planning a 30th anniversary memorial ceremony outside the downtown post office where 14 workers were killed. Next Saturday (August 20) marks the morning in 1986 when gunman Patrick Henry Sherrill went on a rampage also wounding six…

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Audio: How the Post Office Cured “Going Postal”

By Mike Pesca – June 7, 2016 On The Gist, a postcard with Devin Leonard on the origins of the phrase “going postal” (3:39 to 12:05). Leonard’s new book is Neither Snow Nor Rain: A History of the United States Postal Service. Plus, Stephen Teret on smart guns. For the Spiel, Hillary Clinton’s cinch of…

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Going Postal: A Look Back…

By Heather Sutfin – October 18, 2015 If you grew up in the 90’s then you’re probably familiar with the phrase “going postal”, originating from a number of work related shootings involving postal workers. While a number of other industries also experienced former employees flying off the handle and taking out their rage and aggression…

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Bonidy v. United States: The Second Amendment at the post office

Yesterday the Tenth Circuit heard oral arguments in Bonidy v. United States, which is an as-applied challenge to the U.S. Postal Service regulation which completely prohibits firearms on all postal property, including parking lots. Mr. Bonidy lives in Avon, Colorado, and has a concealed carry permit issued pursuant to Colorado law, following a fingerprint-based background…

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The United States Postal Service: An Assault on the American Middle Class

This is a repost of a 2010 article from BENEATH THE SPIN • ERIC L. WATTREE (As relevant today as it was back then) The federal law is clear. 18 U.S.C. § 1001 reads as follows: Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch…

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