USPS: Explaining Hatch Act’s social media rules

The Postal Service is reminding employees that they are required to abide by the Hatch Act, including the guidelines for using social media. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Here’s a quick recap of the law: • The Hatch Act exists to keep politics out of federal workplaces. The law, passed in 1939, limits certain political activities of federal and postal…

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NALC: Executive orders on federal employees

May 31, 2018 NALC is currently investigating if the executive orders issued by President Trump on Friday May 25 have any impact on the United States Postal Service. We will report our findings as information becomes available. The executive orders: Source: National Association of Letter Carriers AFL-CIO  

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You’ve heard of the Hatch Act, but how much do you know about it?

If you’re unfamiliar with the law, here’s a quick primer — including do’s and don’ts when it comes to social media usage. • First things first: The Hatch Act exists to protect you. The law, which dates to 1939, aims to keep politics out of federal workplaces. Specifically, the Hatch Act establishes rules to prevent…

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OIG Report – Employee Benefits, Withholdings, Contributions, and Headcount Reporting to OPM

BACKGROUND At the request of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Office of Inspector General (OIG), we performed procedures agreed upon by the OPM’s Inspector General and the Chief Financial Officer. This attestation engagement is an annual requirement of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Our objectives were to assist OPM in assessing…

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Repubs dig deeper after Postal Service cited for workers’ Clinton campaign aid

By Brooke Singman – August 22, 2017 Republican lawmakers are casting a wider net in their search for wrongdoing at federal agencies in past election cycles, after learning the Postal Service violated the law by allowing employees to do union-funded work for Hillary Clinton’s campaign while on leave. The lawmakers blasted out letters on Monday to…

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Powerful former chair of federal workforce committee leaves Congress on Friday

By Joe Davidson – June 27, 2017 Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), now the former chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, will leave a legacy when he quits Congress at 10 a.m. Friday, but we might not have his mug to remind us. If incoming Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) does as Chaffetz did,…

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NARFE: April 4 Legislative Webinar – ‘Fed Up(date) with the 115th Congress’

Next week, the NARFE Legislative Department will host a webinar on congressional action relating to issues affecting the federal community. The webinar will bring you up to date on upcoming budget battles and advancing postal reform legislation and how each could impact all federal and postal employees and retirees. It’s important to know the threats…

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USPS: Online accounts help retirement planning

The Social Security Administration is encouraging federal employees to set up free online accounts to view and manage their Social Security records. The secure accounts provide estimates for future benefits and show how much you’ll need from other sources, such as a Thrift Savings Plan, to meet your retirement goals. Each account also allows you…

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