Postal Bulletin advises how to keep the “Internet of Things” secure

June 27, 2024 Postal Bulletin’s latest edition, published June 27, offers advice on how to keep internet-connected devices — known as the Internet of Things — secure. What do smart TVs, fitness equipment, and home security systems all have in common? They can all be internet-enabled. This technology, known as the “Internet of Things,” refers…

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USPS: Employees must reset their self-service profile (SSP) password

June 15, 2022 The Postal Service recently announced that employees must reset their self-service profile (SSP) password to comply with the organization’s new security requirements and to avoid disruptions to their access. An SSP password allows employees to access several websites and applications that provide important personal information, including LiteBlue, PostalEASE and ePayroll. To reset…

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USPS: Passphrases improve online security

Passwords are widely used to control access to online accounts, but they aren’t always secure. Using powerful software that runs through millions of word and number combinations, thieves can easily decipher commonly used passwords in seconds. For instance, it only took hackers one second to figure out 123456, a password used by more than 2.5…

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Postal Bulletin: Protecting USPS Networks

When plugging a smart mobile device (e.g., phone, tablet, or wearable technology) into a computer’s USB port, the two devices can exchange information or malware.1 At the United States Postal ServiceÂź, this could put sensitive information into the wrong hands and potentially affect our business and reputation. To prevent a security breach, follow these important…

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Postal Bulletin highlights protecting USPS Networks from personal devices

When plugging a smart mobile device (e.g., phone, tablet, or wearable technology) into a computer’s USB port, the two devices can exchange information or malware. At the U.S. Postal ServiceÂź, this could put sensitive information into the wrong hands and potentially affect our business and reputation. To prevent a security breach, follow these important charging…

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Latest Postal Bulletin highlights Cybersecurity in the USPS Workplace

With cyber attacks on the rise, USPSÂź employees must learn how to protect the Postal Service™ from potential threats. This National Cyber Security Awareness Month, use the following tips to protect USPS networks, systems, and resources: Workstation Safety Lock your workstation or devices when not in use. Do not plug unauthorized devices (e.g., mobile phones,…

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Latest edition of Postal Bulletin highlights Cyber Security

Disconnect to Protect! Hackers these days use a variety of techniques to infiltrate networks, systems, and devices to steal your information, or even your identity. Targets include all mobile devices, such as phones, tablets, fitness trackers, or other Wi-Fi and Bluetooth-enabled devices, or devices that use a USB cable. Hackers target mobile devices with malicious…

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Latest Postal Bulletin has overview of new CyberSafe at USPS site

The Postal Bulletin’s latest edition has an overview of a new CyberSafe at USPS site that aims to help employees and customers protect themselves online. The site,, lists cybersecurity best practices and describes how the Postal Service safeguards personal and financial information. Other features include multimedia content on how to protect information online, advice…

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