WH budget proposal: Restructure USPS healthcare prefunding, Eliminate Saturday mail delivery

[maxgallery id=”43311″]December 27, 2015 The Postal Service’s healthcare prefunding requirement would be restructured and Saturday mail delivery eliminated under President Obama’s fiscal 2015 budget plan. The proposal (see page 101) recommends deferring the healthcare fixed payments due in 2014 and half of the payments in 2015 and 2016. That would provide USPS with $9 billion…

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House passes budget without federal benefit cuts

By Andy Medici – May 1, 2015 Civilian agencies would see their budgets slashed while the Defense Department would get billions of dollars in additional funding, under a budget proposal passed by the House April 30. The House voted 226 to 197 to pass the budget, with all Democrats and 12 Republicans voting in opposition….

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