NALC: Urge your House rep to support Serrano amendment to save Saturday delivery

Saturday delivery is on the chopping block this week in Congress, and we need you to take action today to save it and the future of the Postal Service, which must provide service six days a week to prevent competitors from entering our business to replace us.

Last week, the House Financial Services and General Government Appropriations subcommittee introduced its appropriations bill. For the first time since 1983, the longstanding language mandating the Postal Service to deliver six days a week is not part of the underlying bill.


Rep. José Serrano (D-NY)

The ranking member on the committee, Rep. José Serrano (D-NY), is planning to offer an amendment to restore this vital provision. This coming Wednesday, June 25, at 10 am, the full Appropriations Committee will “mark up” the measure—that is, it will consider and debate amendments to the bill.

Your House representative needs to hear from you on the importance of including this critical language in the bill.

To support this effort, please call 202-225-3121 today and ask your House representative to vote for the six-day delivery amendment offered by Rep. Serrano when the appropriations bill is amended by the full committee on Wednesday morning.

Also, tell whoever answers the phone that:

  • Ending Saturday delivery would do more harm than good by driving away business and revenue. Eliminating delivery services also would hurt every American throughout our country in communities large and small, including senior citizens and small-business owners who rely on Saturday delivery services.
  • The Postal Service is the largest civilian employer of veterans in the United States. With a workforce that is 25 percent veterans, the loss of 80,000 full- and part-time jobs that would follow the elimination of Saturday delivery would hurt the veterans who are current postal employees as well as the thousands of future veterans who will be seeking civilian employment.

via Urge your House representative to support the Serrano amendmentto save Saturday delivery.

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