APWU’s Redesigned Website to Launch Friday

APWU Web News Article #082-14, April 30, 2014

The APWU is pleased to announce the launch of our redesigned website, www.apwu.org, which will begin on Friday, May 2. We invite you to explore the new site and share your feedback with us.

Among the new and improved features are:

A cleaner, more modern look

A mobile-friendly and tablet-friendly adaptive design

Better search features

More tools to engage members

With approximately 29,000 pages of content and PDFs, transferring material from the old site to the new site has been a monumental undertaking.

As with any project of this magnitude, we expect to encounter some glitches. If you experience difficulties when visiting the new site or have questions, please contact us at apwu.webmaster@att.net. The roll-out is expected to proceed throughout the weekend, so you may experience disruptions during that time.

We’d also like to hear comments of a general nature, so please let us know what you think!

via APWU’s Redesigned Website to Launch Friday.

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