USPS: Election Mail, Political Mail handling reminder

The Postal Service wants employees to know the differences between Political Mail and Election Mail tags during this year’s election season. Red Tag 57, for Political Mail, should be used for any political campaign mailing by a registered candidate, campaign committee, and committee of a political party. This tag also can be used for a…

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USPS CFO reviews first-quarter financial results

Chief Financial Officer Joe Corbett reviews the Postal Service’s latest financial results in a “Dollars and Change” video released this week. During fiscal year 2020’s first quarter (Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2019), USPS recorded total revenue of $19.4 billion and total operating expenses of $20.1 billion, leaving the organization with a net loss of $748 million….

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Hazardu Królestwo – Kasyna

Kasyna to miejsca, gdzie hazard jest główną atrakcją. Od czasów starożytnych ludzie gromadzą się w takich ośrodkach, aby podjąć ryzyko i zasmakować emocji towarzyszących grze. Gry Hazardowe Wszelkiego Rodzaju Kasyna oferują szeroką gamę gier losowych. Klasyczne gry stołowe, takie jak ruletka, blackjack, bakarat i poker przyciągają graczy pragnących zmierzyć się z zarzem i przeciwnikami. Automaty…

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USPS Service Talk: Surface Transfer Centers Redesign in April 2020

This is a Service Talk that is being given out nationally. STC REDESIGN TALK The United States Postal Service is looking to improve and enhance the surface network that moves America’s mail. This bold step is being taken to reduce costs while at the same time driving first class service to the 95% on time…

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